I was going to post about my hopes for roleplaying in 2021 a few months ago but I kept putting the post off. The reason? I wasn't quite sure I knew what I wanted. But now I know. I want to play in Glorantha, preferably Runequest: Roleplaying in Glorantha but if I'm honest the "system" is irrelevant it's the world I want to play in. Whether I GM or play I don't care (although I believe a mixture of the two will work best).
It's a feeling that has slowly been growing on me since I first purchased the RQG rulebook back in late 2018. You see, for me, this is the best RPG I've ever experienced and has now even eclipsed my love for D&D B/X. Sure I liked RQ 2e, my longest played, most experienced and best loved character was in RG 2e but I only ever played (back in the mid to late 80s) and never GMed and just as I was writing material to run myself the group I was playing with moved onto other systems.
I'm actually now wondering why we moved systems. If I'm honest I can't remember; it's too long ago but I can remember Shadowrun, Rolemaster & Aftermath! all being played and I while I enjoyed all those systems back in the 90s but I can't help feeling in an alternative universe, given a second chance I'd like to see what would have happened if we'd have carried on with Runequest.
Anyway, that's all irrelevant. What I have found since getting back into the hobby late in 2017 is that despite many enjoyable games under many different GMs and groups of players is the thought that I want to be playing in Glorantha. That's not to say I want to exclusively play in Glorantha, just that I want to playing it in the mix. I'm lucky enough that I've GMed a RQG campaign since around March 2020 which has been immensely pleasurable and up until recently this has allowed me to scratch that itch,
However, the next step is to play in a regular Glorantha game. I joined a game run by Che Webster running Six Seasons in Sartar but that has just folded and I was hugely disappointed (but if you are reading this Che please take that as a compliment in that I enjoyed the game so much). I've reached out to another group and may join their campaign in RQ 2e if schedules match and joined a couple of Discord groups related to Glorantha that I've tracked down.
If I fail to find another game I think I will offer to run another campaign, but one starting with 16 year old characters in the old timeline of 1615ish.
So what has attracted me so much to Glorantha? A number of things starting simply with the breath and depth of the information, the quality that Chaosium are producing at the moment, discovering the quality of the Avalon Hill 1990s supplements, and the intelligence and helpfulness of the Glorantha community. Chaosium themselves are active on social media. The people who run the company are active in various groups, answering fans questions and offering advice, keeping us up to date on what they are working on. The Jonstown Compendium has been a roaring success. This is fan based material published by Chaosium on DrivethruRPG.
I'm even writing a scenario for publication in the Jonstown Compendium myself, although whether I ever actually finish it is another matter ;)
My Glorantha shelf before late 2017 consisted of the softback RQ 2e book and for a reason I cannot explain a single Games Workshop hardback publication, Runequest, Land of Ninja (which I can't ever recall actually reading). It now contains probably 50 publications.
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My current Glorantha collection guarded by Yinkin |
I am firmly in the belief that we are in a second golden age of RPGs (if you take the late 70s/early 80s as the firs golden age) and this is lead by Chaosium.
One of the things that truly puzzles and frustrates me is why other RPG players cannot see in Glorantha and Runequest what I see and why it is so superior to those other systems. But then I guess that what makes us different!